We finish up our series on bullying. Just remember two things: (1) "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" and (2) Karma has a long memory. Be good, be kind.
I've been cartooning since I was a teenager, and have been published in magazines ranging from AASHTO Quarterly to the LDS Church magazines and several other periodicals, trade publications and newsletters.
Feel free to contact me with comments, complaints or questions!
Zarahemla Times is about a family living in the suburbs of Zarahemla in the time frame of about the end of Alma or Helaman in the Book of Mormon. Or so.
Jacob, the dad, is the local reporter, editor and distributor of the Zarahemla Times.
Sariah, the mom, keeps everything running around the home. She's second counselor in the Relief Society.
Naomi and Kib are their two children. Naomi is a typical 16-year-old girl, likes boys and enjoys school. Kib is 11, and is maybe a little too smart for his own good.
Jacob's mother lives with the family as well. They call her Gramma, and no one is quite sure if she's dotty or not...the important thing is that she's an awesome cook.
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